Course curriculum

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    Welome! Go you, smarty-pants!

    • Welcome to the Porn Talk Kit

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    Pornography & Online Safety

    • Video: Porn Prep for Parents - How to prepare your kid (and yourself) for exposure

    • Video: Poison Porn Your Kids and Porn with Jo Langford, MA

    • Video: The Nuts & Bolts of Online Safety with Lisa Honold

    • Guide: How The Talk Can Keep Your Kids Safer Online

    • Guide: Porn Prep

    • Monitoring and Filtering Products

Sexuality & Parent Educator

Amy Lang, MA

Amy Lang, MA has been a sexual health educator for over 27 years. Her lively, engaging, and down-to-earth style helps parents become their kids' go-to birds and bees source. Amy’s books, online solutions center, and classes show parents that talking about sex doesn’t need to be totally uncomfortable and really can be fun. When she realized many of her clients were parenting neurodivergent kids she looked for resources for them and couldn't find any. So she obtained a certificate in neurodivergence and sexuality from Mercy University and created classes and courses specifically for parents of neurodivergent kids to fill that hole. She also provides childhood sexual development and sexual abuse prevention training for early childhood and youth-serving organizations, such as the US Air Force Youth and Family Services and Boys & Girls Clubs. Amy is still married to her first husband and they are getting the hang of parenting their recently launched man-child. She lives in Seattle WA and you can learn more about her work at or