Talking to kids about the birds & bees can be really uncomfortable. And most of us dread the idea of having conversations about sexuality or bodies with children. But it doesn’t have to be this way!

In 2005, when she freaked out about talking to her son, Amy founded Birds & Bees & Kids. She combined her expertise in adult education and her 27 years as a sex educator and has helped 1000’s of parents across the US rock the sex talks.

After her son’s childcare provider was accused of touching a child, she saw a chance to help both kids and teachers.

Amy’s work with early childhood educators, Boys & Girls Clubs, and The Air Force Youth & Family Programs, have helped improve the overall health and safety of kids across our country. And just as importantly, the organizations are more protected from allegations.

Amy was born and raised in Ashland, Oregon and currently lives in Seattle with her spouse, their teenage son, one crabby cats, over a dozen vintage motorcycles in various states of repair and an ever-growing pile of books.

Learn more about Amy and her work here.